Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sign Of The Times?

Since I am retired, I have a lot of time to observe things. Most of my observation is of people as they are the most diverse beings on planet Earth.
Perhaps it has always been, this way, but I don't recall it. Maybe I was just too busy living my life, working and raising a child. I don't know. I seems that now women don't really care to raise children at all. They still give birth to them but they shuffle them off to anyone that will take them. I see plenty of single dads now. That never used to happen. It's almost as if some of those men are taking over mothering. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see men involved with their children. It's just not nice to see women turning into slackers. I can't help but wonder how these children will turn out. Maybe no different than the ones raised by just women.
Unfortunately what I observe is definitely limited in it's scope as I am surround by welfare folkin. That is to say, low income welfare recipients. It's section 8 housing.
It's the best deal around if a person doesn't want to work for a living.......all they need to do is qualify for the housing. Once they are accepted, they can even loose their welfare without loosing their apartment. Rent is based on 30 percent of the adjusted income. If the income is zero, so is the rent. Utilities will even be taken care of by the Feds so I am told.
How is that for taking all reasons for ambition away? I suspect that the original thought behind this housing was a good one but that it went the way of most good ideas and became something to abuse.
I wonder how much federal dollars are wasted on people that can work for a living but don't want to. Why should every ones tax dollars pay for programs that are so twisted out of shape that they make a bad situation worse?
It is painfully obvious that the welfare system in the state that I live in is in horrific need of reform. There are people that need help that can't get it and people that shouldn't get help sucking off the system.
I had thought that for awhile the welfare in this state had become workfare. Women or men asking for help needed to work a part time job if it were at all possible. As near as I can tell that isn't happening.
I am certainly in favor of people getting assistance with medical care and financial matters if they have exhausted their own means. Somehow someone sitting on their backside and chain smoking with their party pals doesn't fit that bill. I think it needs to be based on more than how many children you can produce in a lifetime.
Maybe these women could move to Canada. I think they still pay for the number of children you have. It used to be that way. I guess the government sent out monthly checks based on the number of children you had. Some of the Canadian families had 10 or 15 children. That was a long time ago and hopefully that changed. Somehow being paid to have children seems just wrong. It puts it on the level of animal husbandry.
I think this posting has taken me all the places it needs to for the day. I have seen enough signs of the times.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another Day

Another day and another attempt at posting here. I wrote an entry yesterday but the save file failed and dumped the whole thing. Don't you just hate when that happens?
It may have been the muses way of telling me that I didn't have anything worth writing about. That is often the case, but I don't let it stop me.
Where is everyone? Has everyone escaped to Facebook? You can't blog there and most people don't care what you have to say anyway.
Over the years I have belonged to many blog spots. Most were useless. One of them was good until they went commercial. It split up communications horribly as the people you had followed may have joined the private blog. It was simply a disaster. One person I met there started his own blog site, Diary Monster. That was Dave. Nice fellow. His blog site was great and not too ridden with rules. Unfortunately, it became too costly and time consuming for him, I think and it went the way of many Internet sites.
I long since learned that the law of non attachment should always prevail in matters of the Internet. Much is here today and gone tomorrow. I have yet to make a true friend on the net and I shudder in total horror when I think about the net romances that develop. I've never heard of any of those working out. The net leaves you running around with your lantern searching for an honest man (or women).
I do like the net. It is useful for information in a hurry and for window shopping without leaving the house. I enjoy a rousing good chat too. Problem is, there aren't any good chats anymore. Most chat sites are about talking trash and getting cyber jollys. Yetch!!
Where was I? Oh, here, I am here. At least I think I am here even if I am not all there.
I've love to find an interesting blogger to follow but most people don't go anywhere to follow them.
As I said, another day and another posting later. I leave you to your world and thank you for stopping by mine to read.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

By the Side of the Road

The title comes from a poem. I just don't remember who the author is. It goes, "I want to live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man." This came back to me today as I was sitting in my living room and listening to people gibbering on the sidewalk outside my window.
I live smack in the middle of a small city. The main street is just one block east of me, the police station is two buildings north from me and across the street. There is a municipal parking garage directly in back of my apartment. It is filled with cars during the day and skateboarding halfwits at night. The apartment is called a's nice enough....maintained well and cheap to rent.
The problems with adaption are no doubt my own. It would be a happy day for me if I could just pop a laser cannon out my upstairs window and simply open fire at random. It's not that anyone is doing something terrible to me. It is simply I am sick of hearing their retarded chatter night and day. No one is having an intelligent conversation with anyone else out there, but they are having them right outside my window. I consider pungy stakes and pits, also trip wires and landmines. All these would give me satisfaction.
Issues with anger? Not me. Why would anyone think I was angry? I always used to wonder why old people were so cranky. Now I am 63 I begin to understand. Oh, I am not newly grouchy. I have always been that way. It is just that now I am starting to understand it all.
All those people are given the precious gift of life and youth and they choose to waste it standing on a sidewalk talking trash. I wished I could say I was any different when I was young, but I don't remember that I was.
So, where was I? Yes, I was living in a house by the side of the road being a friend to man, wasn't I? LOL

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 1

It seems like the thing to do, making a blog entry on the first day of the new year. My mind is decidedly blank right now and to save my life, I don't think I could post anything of interest to everyone else.
I read Roving Jacks posting about what he did today....I must say, I have to wonder when he took the time to breath. All I did today was knit and play video games. All very dull.
Not too many moons ago I had my own business, making jewelry out of semi precious stones and precious metals, ie, silver and gold. I must say, some of them were quite nice. I also did some interesting wire wrapping too with silver, gold and copper wire. I simply can't afford to do that any more and most of my tools and stock were left behind when I became homeless. I miss it sometimes, Not my home, the jewelry making.
Just like in Gone With the Wind, "Tomorrow is another day"