Thursday, December 31, 2009

I Am Positively Negative

I am positively negative at times and the gods know I have had enough reason to be so in the last year. It was, without a doubt, the worse year of my life. It was also the beginning of a new life as well. Life can begin at 62 or any age for that matter.
I never do anything the kind and gentle way. I blast through life or I sleep through it.There isn't anything in between those two extremes for me. I think I need the blast to wake me up and propel me forward. I am inherently lazy so I need to be blasted forward. I can easily turn into a veggie.
I don't even want to speculate upon what the coming year will bring. I don't dare too. That has been a consistently iffy thing for me over the years. I have learned to look forward to nothing in the coming year. If I don't place expectations then I don't suffer disappointment as much either.
The only plans I have are to keep on keeping on with one foot in front of the other until I get there.(where ever there is)
It must mean something that I've started blogging again. I haven't done that for months. Anyone that knows me well knows that I withdraw for long spans of time and don't take it personally. Maybe that's why so few people do know me well. I think I make it too much like work.
Okay, enough said for now. Happy New Year.

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