Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another Day

Another day and another attempt at posting here. I wrote an entry yesterday but the save file failed and dumped the whole thing. Don't you just hate when that happens?
It may have been the muses way of telling me that I didn't have anything worth writing about. That is often the case, but I don't let it stop me.
Where is everyone? Has everyone escaped to Facebook? You can't blog there and most people don't care what you have to say anyway.
Over the years I have belonged to many blog spots. Most were useless. One of them was good until they went commercial. It split up communications horribly as the people you had followed may have joined the private blog. It was simply a disaster. One person I met there started his own blog site, Diary Monster. That was Dave. Nice fellow. His blog site was great and not too ridden with rules. Unfortunately, it became too costly and time consuming for him, I think and it went the way of many Internet sites.
I long since learned that the law of non attachment should always prevail in matters of the Internet. Much is here today and gone tomorrow. I have yet to make a true friend on the net and I shudder in total horror when I think about the net romances that develop. I've never heard of any of those working out. The net leaves you running around with your lantern searching for an honest man (or women).
I do like the net. It is useful for information in a hurry and for window shopping without leaving the house. I enjoy a rousing good chat too. Problem is, there aren't any good chats anymore. Most chat sites are about talking trash and getting cyber jollys. Yetch!!
Where was I? Oh, here, I am here. At least I think I am here even if I am not all there.
I've love to find an interesting blogger to follow but most people don't go anywhere to follow them.
As I said, another day and another posting later. I leave you to your world and thank you for stopping by mine to read.

1 comment:

  1. I've managed to find a few niches of interest in forums. Half blog, half chat. Where the folk are pleasant and the discussions are thoughtful and respectful.

    I've also found a few places for conversations much like we have when we all get together. Though not exactly, there is that missing Shane factor. That kid is rare and precious.

    I find I do better at finding mutiple places to drift in and out of as the fancy strikes me. I miss a lot of the arguments and the wound too tight folk simply cuz I wondered off at some point to one of my other roosts for a while.

    It's like being a nomad with the comfort of being at home.
