Saturday, May 30, 2009

Survivalist Extraordinaire

I have by told by someone who is supposed to be in the know that I have been in survival mode for the last 7 months of my existence. What's next? Am I done trying to survive?
When asked if I was suicidal I laughed and said, "why bother, time will take care of that on it's own".
It's a confusing place inside of my head. I am just glad that I am not inside of yours now instead. I do have some sort of a vague map for mine, 'though it is subject to change without notice and I can very well find myself totally lost behind enemy lines.
The boxes in the corners of my mind are screaming and the tops are bouncing up and down. It may be time to check out the contents. I have to wonder if my storage of things like that is the best idea. There are lots of boxes stacked up in my head. Some of them have been there so long the labels are faded completely away. I wonder, will the box fade away too?
I am the survivor extraordinaire. I am the great I am!

Monday, May 25, 2009


My brain has turned to mush. It isn't working right or maybe it is. I find myself trying to get to sleep at night worrying about what I should be worrying about. Needless to say, it isn't working too well.
I am still hanging in for the long dash for the light at the end of the tunnel. least I think there is one. Isn't there? A light I mean or a tunnel? Garrrk!
The only brain storms I am having are central core meltdowns. One of these days my neighbors will awaken to a great mushroom cloud over our apartment building, or at least where it used to be. It will be a black smoking hole in the ground.
Too many video games? Not enough? SHHHHHHHABOOOOOOM!!!!! Stop drop and roll? Oh, no, duck under your desk and cover your head with your arms.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lon Chaney Wrist Rockets

Somehow that managed to get to be a topic of conversation last night at our monthly pagan discussion group. Lon Chaney wrist rockets are as much fun as sock puppets to my way of thinking. I'm not sure, would that wrist rocket launch werewolves or simply fuzzy steel shot?
That's the fun of that group, never knowing where the conversation will go or who will lead it there. Also, we never know who will show up for the group.
I would like to see it grow, but since we hold it at Borders, I'm pretty sure they would like us to dry up and blow away. I usually sit so I can watch the people around me and I see the looks we get...wonder if they would like it if I stood and stared at them when they were having a conversation or trying to read? Note to self, must try that some time soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Forward March

The Hermit has made it to the mountain top to meditate, finally! Now life can go on it's forward march with or without me. If I choose I can look down from the lofty 3rd floor perch of my deck and see what the rest of the world is doing.
The real work of my life can begin at last.